I finally got the access serial numbers to load my new Adobe CS5 software. It took me a while to figure out how to install software on a Mac (they tell me Macs are intuitive - my brain must be synched to a different rhythm than most). Anyway, it's loaded. Now I have to figure out how to use it. I have to create a website for my midterm, and I figure I'll use Dreamweaver (since I purchased it). Sigh... Now, I must consider navigation, content, and design.
My first thought is that my bio will be skimpy (at least as far as things published). Having looked at many author sites, my next thought is there won't be much to navigate. I guess I'll have to create a site based on my projected future as a writer. Okay - enough said.
They're not intuitive for everyone. My best friend has one now and she finds PCs far more intuitive than Mac. (Of course both of you are totally wrong :))
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same boat re. learning Dreamweaver. I hope it's more intuitive than InDesign, which is JUST enough like Photoshop to make you think you know more about it than you do.
This makes me feel better. My ambitions far exceed my technical ability. I'm even considering using Illustrator to do drawings for my website, but that won't happen by Oct. 8.