Well, I've been giving a lot of thought to the mid-term for my e-publishing class. It has to be four pages, and it has to be a "writer's" website. Currently, I only have one piece that has been selected for publication, so my choices for pages is rather limited. However, since I have decided on the memoir track the writing is much easier; I have generated more material than I did when I was writing in other genres. That being said, I decided to think about the "Me" that I wanted the public to see. I believe my pages will be laid out like this:
Page one will have a bio that includes the facts that I am in a writing program at UB (with a hyperlink to excerpts from some of my pieces) and that I enjoy photography (with a hyperlink to a page of some of my photos). My family will also be included in the first page bio. I envision a picture of my girls somewhere; I'm just not sure where. So, there are three of the four pages. Since I am a high school English teacher by day, I will probably have the fourth page related to teaching creative writing, theatre, and English.
I really need to get into the CS5 Dreamweaver program and start messing around with layout. That probably won't happen this weekend. I'll just create something in Word so that I can turn in the rough draft on Monday.
At the moment, I am sitting in my daughter's dorm room at Salisbury University. She is a freshman and is coming home for her first weekend visit in a month. Right now she is in English class and I'm working on her laptop, We will be heading home in another hour or so.
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