Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mid Term in Dreamweaver

Well, I have literally spent hours and hours on this project.  One of the things I wanted to do was create a page with a slide show of photos I've taken.  In order to do this, I had to create the slide show and then insert it into the page I had already prepared.  I had no idea how to use Flash.  Thankfully there is a plethora of websites with step by step instructions for how to do most anything with CS5.  My problem was that most of the sites assume you already know some of the steps.  For instance, one site said to import images onto the stage and then create a layer for each.  Hahaha - easier said than done.  I didn't know how to set the stage, much less create a layer.  After much trial and error (and trashing of pages) I managed to create a simple slide show that shows a new slide every second (for 15 to 18 slides).  The only problem I have been unable to remedy is centering the Flash production so that it shows in the center when previewing it on Safari.

This is the site I found most useful:

1 comment:

  1. Website design seems a long journey of trial and error (and trashing of pages). Now I understand why it takes so long. Now I understand why an organized system of files is so important.
    Hope everything went well; look forward to seeing your slide show Monday.
